We are here to support the retail community

eDULT Reseller

eDULT Products sales and distribution channels are strictly enforced. We are here to support the retail community who has worked hard to establish relationships in your local markets. We offer a varying level of purchasing opportunities for those who chose to distribute or sell our products to Adult Users. If at anytime, we discover or is brought to our attention, a location who has sold to a minor, we will discontinue selling our products to that reseller.
For adults 21+

Distribution, Wholesale, and Retail

Our Distribution, Wholesale and Retail programs are intended to support sales of our products through your channels. We do offer support at the retail level to assist you with brand awareness. We have no intension of selling our products directly to consumers or retailers. If it’s brought to our attention that an account has purchased our products and is one of your customers, you can sign up for one of our programs and ask us for future support.

No Under-Aged Purchasing

We take under-age sales seriously. We all have the obligation of ensuring that under-aged individuals do not have access to harmful products. We will take action if this is discovered.

Our retail programs support the visibility of our products. It is to assist you with the direct sales and Adult Consumer awareness. Some of these programs have incentives for your organization to assist us in offering less-harmful products intended for Adults to qualified retailers.

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Our Target Audience

Convenience For Our Resellers

Our eDULT Products ordering site is not intended for Adult Consumers. It is a convenience for our resellers. You can place an order, once you are an approved reseller. When you place an order, you can choose convenient ways to pay. What ever payment option you have signed up for, will be placed on your profile for ordering. Be aware that if you want an order delivered, your payment arrangements must be timely and fair.  Your negotiated pricing will be visible, once you login. Any discounts or offers will be visible at that time.
eDULT Products can offer training, sales support and visibility items directly to your organization. Just give us a call or send us an email to our Reseller Team. or call 888-396-8884